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Could real freedom be found only in captivity?

I once read that I could never really be free until I became captivated by a purpose greater than myself....

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According to your faith, will it be done to you!

Wouldn't it be great if God's plans were never limited by our expectations?...

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When The Rocks Cry Out!

In all of creation, only men choose to remain silent when it comes time to praising their creator....

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Don't Pick That Up!

None of us were born knowing that snakes are dangerous, but through the instruction of our parents we learn to avoid them if possible, and never ever pick them up!...

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Be Yourself!

Be yourself! Who is more qualified than you for that Job?...

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Who Me?

Lord,please send someone else!That was the cry of Moses when he discovered his true purpose and place in God's plan.I wonder sometimes if most of us don't relate a lot more with Moses than we do with Isaiah....

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These are the good old days!

Why wait thirty years to stop and appreciate that these are the good old days....

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Tee Time!

Have you ever tried something that most find simple, only to discover that for you that thing might just be beyond your grasp? Well I have, and whats funny is I really like it!...

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Lets Make a Deal!!

Have you ever gone into a situation hoping that it wouldn't be as bad as you imagined, only to find it was actually worse? Well that just means you tried to buy a car! ...

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Another World!

Have you ever felt like a puppy behind a fence? Just sitting there dreaming of what the world beyond is really all about!...

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