Go is a really powerful word and it was chosen by Jesus in His well known great commission text found in Mt. 28:19. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”. Go is always followed by some form of direction that defines where and why we are to go. Now I saw a poster that really got me to thinking as it had just one word in the middle, Go! Now the problem was that even though I understood the command, I did not know how to carry it out. I think a lot of people feel exactly that same way when it comes to really serving God in the every day world where they live. They don’t really know where God wants them to go, or what God wants then to go away from to arrive where He wants them to be.
     So I have been considering just how to finish out that poster by filling in the blank spaces with a few suggestions. How about we go from mediocrity to a life changing experience with God. How about we go from a life of fear and uncertainty to a life of faith and real peace. How about we go from a life of constant longing to a life of contentment. How about we go from regretting our past to celebrating our future. How about us going from not seeing God at work anywhere, to seeing Him at work everywhere around us. How about our going from always being a part of the problem to becoming the solution. How about we go from a spirit of discontent to a life of very real satisfaction. How about we go from a life filled with criticism to a life filled with compliments. How about we go from a world of always looking for the worse to a life that always expects the best.
     Where is your life going, might well make a much better poster than just go. But who am I to say such things as that poster caused me to stop and consider where I really needed to go. It also helped me clear up a lot of places I would like to go away from as well. So lets Go! Go where? Where ever you see God at work just join Him there and you will never regret going!