We recently had to remove a colony of honey bees from a column in front of the church, and I was told they gather there every year. I called a bee keeper to see if he could advise us on how to stop them from always coming back. His answer was simple, just fill any and every hole with foam because bees are naturally attracted to the smell of honey.
     Just like honey bees, some people are naturally drawn to a conflict even if they have to start it themselves. I was recently reading a story in Time magazine on the life and ministry of Billy Graham. It was no surprise that his great success would draw critics like bees to honey, but I was surprised to see that they were ministers. When ask about his critics Billy Graham responded with a wonderful truth. “Time given to my critics would have to come from the time I invest in my friends”. Perhaps that is the very reason for his great success. He was to busy doing what his critics said couldn’t be done to pay them any attention.
     Have you ever known a critic? They are the people that believe the reason for the sun shine is to cast a shadow. They don’t believe in any idea or person, but they want you to believe them. I understand why some people like being critics. It’s a thousand times easier to criticize than it is to create. But praise God for the leaders who have dared to be criticized for the sake of the advancement of the kingdom. Jesus was attacked by critics, so when you find yourself being criticized for doing something good just realize that your in some really good company.
     I once read that critics are just really good people who put their faith in their cant’s. Along that same line I read once that the cure for a critic is just a swift kick in the cant’s. Either way, can’t is a little word responsible for more problems than about any word in our vocabulary. Let me share for just one moment a few good uses for can’t before you write it out of your vocabulary. God can’t lie. God can’t be stopped! God can’t be pleased without faith! And faith can’t come from a heart that only knows all the reasons why the above statements can’t be true.
     I am reminded of when Peter told Jesus that all the things he had predicted could never happen to him. “Get behind me Satan. You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men”. (Mk.8:33) For the truth is that with God all things are possible. With man some things are impossible, but not with God. We are the church, and unlike the world we have no limitations because of the company we keep. If God calls on the church to do anything He will certainly supply the power and resources to get it done. For God is in the business of doing what the critics say He can’t. This same God has called on us all to follow His example, and believe his promises even if they are hard to hear over all the critics.