Did you know that Paul Galvin at the age of 33 had failed in business twice. With his last $750.00 he attended the auction of his business and bought back the battery storage unit. It went on to become Motorola. I guess you could say he had learned from his mistakes just how to do it better the next time. I know in my life that God has used my biggest mistakes to teach me some of the most important lessons. I once read that the difference between those that accomplish great things and the rest of us is their ability to accept failure as a normal and expected part of life. We all know that truth in our heads but we have a hard time getting it to our hearts. If I were to ask "is it not better to have spent your life trying great things and failed, than to have tried to do nothing and succeeded"; most people would agree that they believe that to be true. However, those same folks would honestly tell me that they are not at all comfortable trying anything in which they have a good chance of failing. The reward of succeeding is not as great as their fear of failure.
     Mistakes are just what people make when they are trying to do something better. Without mistakes we would never know for certain how not to try something the next time. Oswald Avery once said “Every time you fall just pick up something”. Coming to grips with this great truth just might set you free from your fear of making a mistake. Failure is always a situation not a person! We only fail when we fall by not getting back up! So when you make a mistake just look for the lesson and get up and try again a different way and just see if that isn’t better. John Mason once said “the man who invented the eraser was assured of success, because he had the human race figured out”.
     Proverbs 24:16 reads “Though the righteous man falls seven times, he rises again”. Everyone who tries most anything will eventually make a mistake. Those who cannot accept that reality have set themselves up for failure. Mistakes happen and troubles can and do come our way because the last time I checked Satan was still alive and well. He has been causing problems for folks since the beginning of time. So any time you try to do anything that will advance the Kingdom you can bet on plenty of challenges. But with each challenge comes the opportunity to show the world the power of the company we keep. The world is making advancements and overcoming all kinds of obstacles. How much greater is our potential for we have God helping us. So dare to dream big dreams and to try God sized task, knowing that you are not alone. And yes when you fall, when you make mistakes, know that God will help you get back up to finish the race He has called you to. Learn from your mistakes and you will avoid an encore!