Last chemo treatment!

15 weeks ago I had my first chemo treatment...tomorrow will be my last...PRAISE THE LORD! He is so good! Thank you, my friends and family, that have offered up prayers for me...I've said it before, but I cannot tell you how important they are. God promised us peace in the midst of the storms...a peace that passes all understanding....a peace that makes absolutely no sense...I've experienced that peace, because you prayed. Thank you for bringing that miracle to my life! So often, we overlook the many miracles God showers upon us, because we're looking for something different...physical healing, a check in the mail, the seas to part and the waves to calm...but sometimes the miracle God grants is the calming of His child and His arms of strength and love to carry us through. He never promised us a problem free life...He promised us something even better...Himself.

15 weeks ago was Easter week and as I went to my first treatment, with my sister in love Norma Webb...I remember looking at her and saying, "It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming!" She and I have shared that back and forth a number of times over the past few weeks...particularly, following a treatment as I waited for the third week when the side effects started to diminish. Guess what...Sunday is coming! And I have to tell you, I am so thankful....for my own personal Sunday and for our Savior who was the ultimate example of handling the Fridays, He took the pain, the suffering, the sorrow, the humiliation with strength, dignity and peace...He took it to His death...and then came Sunday! May His grace and peace carry you through your Fridays...and may you hold to truth that Sunday IS coming...He will raise you up His mercy and love...and because of the darkness of your will experience the TRUE joy and freedom of Sunday! Blessings!