Broken part 3

Homosexuality, same-sex marriage, & gender-neutrality vs. the Gospel

First, I am fully aware that many if not all of you know someone who is gay. Research tells us that if you have a close friend or family member that is gay that you are more than 50% more likely to be supportive of that lifestyle. I am also aware that there could be someone here tonight that does struggle or has struggled with same-sex attraction. Please know that I am in no way condemning you, your friend or family member, but I do hope to give you a biblical understanding and basis on which to stand. God is their judge and not me, I am a sinner saved by grace in need of mercy daily. However, in our culture today anyone who stands on God’s Word will be labeled as intolerant, a bigot, a homophobe, and at the least old fashioned.

Key Quote:

Evil in the minority demands tolerance until it IS the majority.” Author-unknown

Key Verses:

Romans 1:18-32

Key point:

We as Christians should have no desire to become activists, instead we need to understand biblical truth when it comes to homosexuality, stand on it, and mix biblical honesty with common sense, encapsulated in unconditional love.

The LGBT agenda…

Homosexuality and gender-neutrality is being cast as the new civil rights issue of our time, and as a student of history I think this is a poor comparison. Look back at the past…

Confused standards?

The new tolerance is intolerance for Christian beliefs or moral absolutesTo be against something is to hate something, not a deeply held principle but hatred!An increased sexual atheism, challenging what is “normal”, and anything goes!

It might surprise you but to start any conversation about homosexuality we need to start with a biblical context of sex and marriage.

Many argue today that marriage is a human invention and therefore humans can change the definition as they wish. However, it was God who stated in Genesis 2:18; “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”Further, in Genesis 2:23 we have Adam’s response to God’s suitable helper; “This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.” Then God’s command in vs. 24; “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”Also, don’t miss the ending verse (vs. 25); “The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” So God’s design was one man and one woman experiencing sex in a monogamous, committed, life-long marriage with nothing shameful, nothing hidden, and no desire left unfulfilled.

You have probably heard the old saying; “If God meant there to be homosexuality He would have created Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve.” I think it is better said; If God meant for us to choose what sex we prefer God would have created Adam and Eve AND Jack and Jill and then allowed us the choice. However, it is plain to see that God’s plan is that sex and marriage are designed by God, that both His designs are GOOD and PERFECT and they don’t lack anything.

Sexuality is the biggest topic in the U.S. as many if not most shows and movies are based off it. Just listen to this list of shows…

First we need to understand; I believe homosexuality and gender issues are based in four root causes and in my experience, almost everyone who struggles with either of these fits into these molds in one way or another, with varying factors depending on personal history.

Dysfunctional family relationships- _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Early childhood experience- _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Lack of opposite sex attraction/interest- ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Pornography & lack of fulfillment- _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

God uses strong descriptive words like abomination or detestable because homosexuality not only stands in opposition to His Lordship of our lives (true of all sin) but goes further to challenge God’s design and plan for us as humans. The following two points aren’t popular in many settings…

Homosexuality is unnatural. Romans 1:26-27 says we were created with “natural” desires. There is no “gay-gene” that makes a person homosexual, it is a choice.

Homosexuality is a sign of God’s judgment. God’s wrath is revealed, not always the way our minds imagine, instead God’s wrath is poured out by giving us exactly what we want! (Romans 1:24)

The cultural debate: ___________________________________________________________________

The love and commitment marriage debate: _______________________________________________

The Jesus debate: _____________________________________________________________________

The “I’m a gay Christian” debate: ________________________________________________________

We’ve talked at length about the LGBT agenda and how pervasive it has become in our culture. The question is; will we, the church, be swayed by this agenda or will you stand on His Truth and endure whatever persecutions may come for righteousness sake?

Matthew 5:10-12- “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

The next few verses (vs. 13-16) cast an evident distinction of what our lives should look like before man. We know them as the “salt & light” verses; we are to be a city on the hill for all to see, flavoring, preserving, and preparing the way by reflecting the light in us by our words and in our deeds. Let’s face the simple truth is that our society is broken because we are broken and we have no ability to fix society or ourselves outside the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our world. This is why we need God to clean up our own houses before trying to help others.

What is the Gospel’s part in this?

If the Gospel of Jesus Christ can’t transform everything, then it can’t change anything!

Key to battling any sin, life (or lifestyle) is no longer about ME it is all about HIM.

Repent and Believe- Mark 1:14-15- “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.”Deny yourself; take up the cross- Mark 8:34- “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

Here are some fundamental questions that we need to ask someone who describes themselves as gay; aren’t you more than your sexual identity? What I mean by this, is I don’t go around and introduce myself as heterosexual, I don’t identify myself by my attraction to females so why are you identified by your sexuality? Aren’t you far more than your sexuality? Aren’t we all? I don’t go around telling people I’m Caucasian, or I’m a guy, or describe myself as a carnivore just because I eat meat. Why, all these things are part of who I am but they don’t define me. Say to them; there is much more to you than your sexuality, you are God’s creation, created in His image, created for intimacy with Him, created for personal relationship with Him, you are intelligent, loving, kind, etc., so much more than your sexuality. Homosexuality doesn’t have to define you and when your identity is hidden in Christ (Col. 3:3), He will help pull out of you (put to death) the earthly things of the flesh that don’t honor Him. The temptations may remain (as with any sin) but your identity will be truly changed, a new creation in Christ.