Overcome us!!!

I have been in church my whole life. From birth till now there are very few days where church has not been a large part of my life. I have been working with students for 19 years and I am now serving in my third church and I have noticed an alarming trend. We as Southerners, even Baptists, have a tradition of going to church, doing our regular service, even giving, but how many of us are really affected by our faith daily? The alarming trend is that REAL passion slowly fades; at some point we put on our church mask and play the game. A very small group of committed believers actually do the majority of the evangelical and service ministry work within each church. Friends this should not be so.

I enjoy working with students because they are still moldable, they aren’t comfortable in their own skin and they are still developing their identity. Now, there are some studies that tell us that you develop who you are by the time you are 8 or 9 years old, but I’ve seen differently. While the teenage years are often a time of rebellion, and of questioning authority they can hold huge significance in the area of spiritual development. Students often are more sensitive to a REAL move of God, they respond to it, they seek it, and many great revivals have started among young people. Many theologians believe that the disciples themselves were young men, some even teenagers when Jesus called them and we know the result of their passion for Christ.

Here’s my point, are we really seeking God with all our hearts, giving Him our very best or are we playing church, wearing our smiley mask, as if everything is ok when it’s really not? Do we see our everyday schedule and every person we meet as an opportunity to reflect Christ’s love on them? 2 Corinthians 2:15- “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” Do you “smell” like Christ to God and to other people? At this time, when more and more people around this community are crying out for personal and corporate revival can you say that’s really your heart’s desire? Has spiritual growth slowed to a trickle in you walk with God?

We are human, we unfortunately become comfortable; in life, in relationships, and at work, but we should never find ourselves complacent in Christ! If you can’t see a REAL desire within yourself for personal and corporate revival please fall on your face before God and ask Him to renew that desire within you and for a move of the Holy Spirit in your life. May we find motivation in Galatians 6:9-10; “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” God desires intimacy with you, simply return to Him with the faith of a child and then expect miracles, expect to see great things, expect Him to make you a new creation in Christ. May God bless you and your walk with Him.
